CEOA Matriculation Higher Secondary School
The academic input is being supplemented by various extra-curricular activities which enhance the overall personality of the students. Regular class work apart, Yoga, Karate, Dance, Chess and Drawing constitute the extra-curricular menu, of which a student has to opt at least one.
Clubs to promote talents in Science, Art and Literature are functioning in the campus. The Literary Association helps to bring to the fore linguistic skills of students. The Dramatic Club grooms the dramatic potentials. The Creative Club inculcates the ability to explore new dimensions. The Eco Club meets at intervals to exchange their views on scientific development. The Quizzing and Debating Clubs are also active all through the year.
This year CEOA has promoted a GRINGO STARS BAND for its captive use in its campus. At present there are 50 trained students in this troop playing Drum, Trumpet, Flute, Cymbals, etc., The CEOA GRINGO star Band is another symbol of pride.
Besides formal education which triggers the intellectual ability, moral, spiritual, cultural and patriotic values are instilled through Morning devotion and meditation and celebrations of national festivals. A Counselling cell headed by a professional counselor has been functioning to help the students overcome the psychological problems if any and to motivate them with valuable tips and techniques. Moral classes have been inbuilt in the curricular schedule.
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